Welcome to Lincoln's semi annual Wealth for my Health challenge!

Monday, January 3, 2011



Congratulations on making the commitment to your life and well being to become a healthier person. I know I speak on behalf of everyone (your trainer, your program organizer, etc.) when I say we are so glad you made the decision to become PROACTIVE about your health, instead of REACTIVE. When people wait until they are bedridden in a hospital bed… or their health conditions are so bad they cannot participate in activities such as this, it makes the journey to a healthy lifestyle even harder. So thank you for choosing to be healthy, before it’s an insurmountable possibility.


This challenge is not easy. We will be asking you to change more habits then you knew you had. We will be asking you to change the way you think about things and the way you react to things. We will be asking you to make your health top priority.


I can speak from a mother and wife’s standpoint when I say, in the beginning, it’s hard to be leaving your husband and kids 5+ times a week to go workout. Seems awfully selfish when our lives and schedules are so busy and we don’t have much time to spend together the way it is. I spent awhile struggling with that dreaded “mommy guilt”. However, after a couple weeks of this… I noticed something. Instead of being so tired at night and spacing off in front of the TV, I actually interact with my kids and husband… spending more QUALITY time with them. I don’t have much to offer anyone when I’m tired, unhealthy and weak. Sure, my husband and girls might have seen me more often, but it wasn’t quality time spent together. So when you head out the door leaving your family behind, just know that you are going to come back home refreshed and recharged, ready to spend quality time with them.


This challenge is a great catalyst for getting your whole family involved in healthy living. NO ONE is immune from needing to live a healthy life. It doesn’t matter if your husband can eat 5,000 unhealthy calories a day and not gain a pound (and he doesn’t even have to work out). That doesn’t mean he is HEALTHY. Our bodies were designed to move on a regular basis and be fed clean nutrition, starting from the day we were born until they day we die. Find an activity the whole family can participate in, even if it’s just a walk around the neighborhood. Race your kiddo to the end of the block. Better yet, race your husband or wife to the end of the block. Whoever comes in second has to do the dishes. 


Just as you invested in a life of UNhealthy living, you will need to make the decision to invest in a life of healthy living. I cannot listen to one more person tell me they can’t afford healthy food, when they make regular trips through the fast food lane. That $5 you spent getting a cheeseburger and French fries could have easily bought a loaf of the “expensive” bread (aka, whole wheat bread) that would have fed you for the WHOLE WEEK. Yes, healthy food can be more expensive, and justifiably so… it’s actually loaded with nutrients our bodies need, not filled with chemicals and fillers. However, there are ways around this. When “expensive” bread goes on sale, buy 2 or 3 loaves. Bread freezes wonderfully. Buy chicken breasts in bulk. Make more frequent stops to the grocery store, to reduce spoilage and waste. Take your family with you… have them help pick out healthy foods they want to eat. That way, the food will actually be eaten at home, and fewer trips through the drive through or to restaurants will take place… and we all know how expensive going out to eat can be.

Many people are shocked at how expensive boot camps, gym memberships, etc. can be. However, look at how much CABLE costs! Again, if you are paying for cable… and feeling bad because you can’t afford to workout with everybody else, then CANCEL YOUR CABLE. Unless you are doing those “on demand” workouts, your cable subscription isn’t adding any years to your life or improving the quality of it.

Workout for free! You can get a great workout in free of charge. Go outside and walk or run. You don’t need a membership to use the streets and sidewalks, all you need is a pair of shoes. But then again, that’s debatable. Barefoot running is becoming increasingly more popular. Save up and buy a bike. Save up some more and buy a bike trailer to tote your kids along in. Go to Play It Again Sports and buy some used weights, resistance bands, etc. and make up your own workouts. If you are dedicated to be motivated on your own, YOU CAN DO THIS!

The first day… the first week can be hard. But it’s hard being unhealthy too. As Marty Wolff would say, “Pick your hard”.

See you tonight at the meeting!


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