Welcome to Lincoln's semi annual Wealth for my Health challenge!

Friday, January 21, 2011

A friend of mine passed this along, really puts the journey into perspective.

If I Lost 1 Lb. Each Week of 2011

By Valentine’s Day

I’d be 7 lbs. lighter. I’m loving it!
By St. Patrick’s Day

I’d be 11 lbs. lighter. With the luck-o-the-Irish I’ll make my goal.
By Easter

I’d be 16 lbs. lighter. I’d be a cuter bunny.
By Memorial Day

I’d be 23 lbs. lighter. I won’t let it rain on my parade.
By Flag Day

I’d be 25 lbs. lighter. Boy, could I wave my flag then.
By Independence Day

I’d be 27 lbs. lighter. That’s a neat Declaration of Independence from overeating!
By Labor Day

I’d be 36 lbs. lighter. What a wonderful reward for all my hard work.
By Columbus Day

I’d be 41 lbs. lighter. What a joy to discover what I can do.
By Halloween

I’d be 44 lbs. lighter. I didn’t think I had a ghost of a chance.
By Thanksgiving

I’d be 47 lbs. lighter. I’d have so much to be thankful for.

By Christmas Eve

I’d be 51 lbs. lighter. Talk about being merry!

By New Year’s Eve

I’d be 52 lbs. lighter. It’s not just a new year, it’s a new ME!

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