Welcome to Lincoln's semi annual Wealth for my Health challenge!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Busting through that plateau...

Many people are complaining of hitting that dreaded plateau. Here is some advice from the experts!

Courtesy of Karen Kuzma, RD:


You may not be entirely to blame for the number on the scale, you're not off the hook. Nobody is the innocent victim of a drive-thru feeding. But there are sneaky factors—your friends, your family, your mindset—that can sabotage the best weight-loss plan. Your strategy: Identify the saboteurs, then adjust.
Your Spouse

We do not suggest blaming him or her for your extra weight. But know this: Researchers at the University of Minnesota found that men and women usually gain 6 to 8 pounds in the first 2 years of marriage. Once you're married, that need to impress is gone. You may go to the gym less often, go out for meals or to parties more frequently, and develop new rituals, such as sitting on the couch with your spouse and snacking.
Fix your head: Regain that need to impress. Imagine what that person working out next to you at the gym thinks of your gut—or what he or she would think if you had abs. As for that bowl of popcorn with your spouse, ask yourself, Why am I eating? Boredom? Habit? Better yet, ask him or her to stop bringing those binge foods into the house.
Fix your routine: Establish healthful rituals. Instead of Access Hollywood after dinner, take regular walks, or play H-O-R-S-E in the driveway. Exercise suppresses appetite. Cool down with Italian ice (~120 calories per cup) instead of ice cream (~290 calories per cup).

Your Kids

The presence of children in a household sharply increases the likelihood of tempting junk food in the cupboard. Some of it ends up in adult mouths. The same goes for stray nuggets and fries left over by finicky kids. If you're prone to clean up after your kids, the easiest thing to do is to avoid the Happy Meal altogether.

Fix your head: Grow up. Think: The sugary snack that a child will burn off with an hour of fidgeting will haunt you as a fat deposit. Read the nutrition label on any snack before unwrapping it. Realize the importance of setting a good food and exercise example.

Fix your routine: Make junk food a once-a-week thing. Designate Friday as Twinkie day, for example. And instead of standing on the sidelines to watch your son's game, volunteer to coach, ump, or ref. Make fitness a family thing.

Late night TV

Not getting enough deep, non-REM sleep inhibits production of growth hormone, which might lead to premature middle-age symptoms—abdominal obesity, reduced muscle mass and strength, and diminished exercise capacity.

Fix your head: Mentally disengage yourself before you hit the sack. Don't plot your next career move right before bed.

Fix your routine: Exercise in the morning or afternoon, if at all possible. Evening workouts may leave you too stimulated to sleep. Establish a ritual that signals your body that the day is over 30 minutes before bedtime—turn off the computer, read, stretch, or set the TV volume low (or better yet, OFF).

Your Shift

Workers gain 7 pounds on average when they switch from a day to a night shift, according to the New York Obesity Research Center. People working the graveyard shift tend to eat a big evening meal and go to work; then they come home to another 'supper' in the morning.
Fix your head: Adjust your concept of mealtime.

Fix your routine: Eat your biggest meal when you get home from your shift, then relax or exercise in the morning. Get 8 hours of sleep in the afternoon, then wake up and have breakfast. Kicking off your workday (even if it starts in the evening) with a light meal that's high in protein or fiber is very helpful for weight loss.

Your Stress

Stress will spike levels of the hormone cortisol, which tells your body to store fat. Unfortunately, some people appease their anxiety by reaching for fatty foods. Eating boosts insulin levels; combining that with cortisol leads to greater fat deposits. More stress = bigger belly.
Fix your head: First, identify the type of stress you're under. Is it temporary, like a big exam, or more permanent, like your job? Short-term stress will pass. Long-term stress may require a permanent solution, like a new job.
Fix your routine: Make healthy eating effortless! Buy snacks that won't send insulin levels soaring: Greek yogurt, beef jerky or single-serving bags of almonds or cashews. Fifteen minutes of explosive activity—hitting a speed bag or jumping rope—can alleviate anxieties after work.

Your Friends

The people you socialize with can make or break a diet or workout plan, whether it's unconscious grazing on candy at the movies or the lure of pumping beers instead of iron. Worse, some “friends” may deliberately try to sabotage your diet, just for fun. Want a cookie?
Fix your head: Admit you need support. Let people know how to help you, and many will!
Fix your routine: Eat an apple before meeting friends, so you’ll feel fuller. Drink a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you consume. A time-tested strategy: Recruit a friend to diet or work out with you. Having someone to answer to is the best enforcement plan.

From Heather Hall - ACE Certified Person Trainer and owner of Body OverHALL
1. Be consistent with exercise. Get 5-6 workouts in EVERY week!

2. Challenge yourself with the harder variations when you workout. DON'T pick the path of least resistance!

3. Eat meals every 3-4 hours, no more than 4 hours between meals!!! No exceptions!! Include protein/veggies with every meal.

Thanks to Heather and Karen for chiming in on this subject! If you're doing all the above - then be PATIENT. In the beginning of any weight loss program, the changes you make are drastic and you will quickly see results. As time goes on, it's important to keep challenging yourself (because you really are getting stronger and your abilities increase accordingly) and sticking with it. Wealth for my Health is about healthy living and living a healthy lifestyle... as long as you're making healthy food choices and getting regular exercise... you're doing AWESOME and you need to be proud of yourself. You're living a life of healthy living for more reasons than seeing the number go down on the scale. After all, someday you will continue this lifestyle because you WANT to, not becase you NEED to lose weight, lose inches, etc. Keep after it, and good things will happen!

Originally posted 11/17/10.

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