Welcome to Lincoln's semi annual Wealth for my Health challenge!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Metabolic Measurement

Over the last month, I feel as if I have hit a plateau. I have been training with Heather Hall and she always keeps me working hard… so I knew it wasn’t the working out that was lacking. I had a sneaking suspicion that it may have something to do with my nutrition (doesn’t it always?!). So, I made an appointment with Karen Kuzma, RD. She suggested she administer the test during one of the Wealth for my Health weekly meetings so the contestants knew what to expect. How fun!

The process is painless. I had to fast for four hours… and no exercise either. During the actual process I had my nose plugged (so no air can enter or escape) and I breathed in and out of a device. Pretty simple. Magically (well, I am sure there is some scientific process behind it…) it spit out a number. That number is how many calories I burn in a day, just living. I burn 2050 calories a day just by existing. Karen then took into account how active I am on a weekly basis. She asked me what my goals are (lose one pound a week, two pounds a week… etc.) and puts everything together. In the end, she was able to tell how many calories I should be eating each day to achieve my goals.

My goal was to lose 2 pounds a week. So, I should be consuming approximately 1870 calories a day. I am monitoring my calories (I am not usually a calorie counter) for a couple weeks just to make sure that consuming that amount produces a loss of two pounds. Karen said that there could be some slight variation… but overall, it’s fairly accurate.

So, if you have hit a plateau or are a “numbers” person – I would highly suggest getting this measurement done by the wonderful Karen Kuzma! Thanks Karen!

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