Welcome to Lincoln's semi annual Wealth for my Health challenge!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ten To-Do's

I was thinking how there are quite a few things I want to accomplish this summer and unless I write them down and have them stare me in my face... I won't get it done. So, here are the top 10 things I want to accomplish this summer (and in no particular order)

Complete a Women's TRYathlon
Go wall climbing (at the campus rec?)
Read 3 business books
Sumbit 3 business proposals
Plan a trip to CO for early fall
Go tubing down the Niobrara
Take the girls to Henry Doorly Zoo
Lose 20 more pounds by August 31
Spend 5-10 minutes before bedtime in prayer/affirmation (at least 3X/week)
Go on a day road trip to hike in a state park

What does your to-do list look like this summer? Don't let the summer slip away from you - plan for it!

In health and happiness -

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