Welcome to Lincoln's semi annual Wealth for my Health challenge!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Being prepared.

Growing up I was a girl scout (and a teacher and a banker and a architect - I liked to play make-believe). However, during my time spent as a girl scout I acquired some leadership qualities and learned the importance of planning ahead. This complimented the type-A personality I had already by age 8. I spent the next decade and a half planning my days, my weeks, my months, my years. I knew what was going to happen - and when. If I could plan it, control it and manipulate it to my liking, I was happy. 

Then I got married. Then I had kids. Then I started my own business. That's when control flew out the window. I realized that if I wanted to be happy, I had to give up some control. However, I didn't lose ALL control, I just got choosy about what I was going to control, because I couldn't control it all anymore. 

So, at this point you're wondering where I am going with all of this... 

The point I am trying to make is, is that we can't control everything in life. As we get older life gets fuller and more complicated. Spouses, children, pets, jobs, bills, etc. gets in the way of our best laid plans. 

So, you have to carefully choose what you're going to control. NUTRITION needs to be at the top of this short list. Because, if you don't control what goes in your mouth... the unhealthy "convenience" foods will quickly begin to control you. 

Here are a couple tips:

  • Eat the same breakfast every day. It's vital to eat your breakfast, so don't skip it. Make it easy on yourself and eat virtually the same thing every day. I personally eat eggs and toast. 1 whole egg, an egg yolk scrambled. I mix it up every now and then by adding spinach, salsa, onions/peppers, etc - whatever is in the fridge. However, I ALWAYS have eggs and a carton of egg yolks on hand. Same with toast - I always have bread (my favorite is Orowheat Double Fiber) and lightly toast one slice and put a tablespoon of peanut butter (Trader Joe's Creamy Peanut Butter (only peanuts and salt)) and then a teaspoon of some local honey on it. It's satisfying and full of nutrition. And it's just breakfast...  it doesn't need to be fancy.
  • Plan your dinners ahead of time - a week ahead of time - and make sure the groceries are in the house to prepare those dishes. Compile 10 or 15 easy to make recipes that either you or your spouse can make. Rotate between those favorites each week. Maybe on Wednesdays both you and your spouse are at home to help prepare dinner - so Wednesday can be the designated "New Dish Night" and you can throw in new recipes you have wanted to try each week. 

Quick point: make sure those recipes are healthy. Just because you're eating food you prepared, doesn't make the cream any less fattening or add fiber to those enriched noodles. There are millions of healthy cooking substitutions out there... let Google be your friend on this one. 
  • Have HOMEMADE healthy dinners in the freezer - to reheat in a pinch. There are lots of dishes that can be frozen (casseroles, soups, pastas, etc.) and reheated and still maintain quality and taste. Next time you're going to cook up a batch of chili, make twice as much and freeze the leftovers in single serving quantities. That way, when you got home late and you're tempted to run through the drive through, run to your freezer instead. Save gas, calories... and most importantly, your health!
  • When leaving town, whether on vacation or otherwise, eat the same as you do at home. Bring your breakfast foods with you or hit up the grocery store. Prepare and eat as many meals as you can yourself. You can still try that new restaurant or enjoy the family reunion BBQ but just keep portions under control and continue to get your daily exercise. 
Ultimately it comes down to goals, motivation and priorities. At this point in my life I have two young children and it's more important to me that they grow up eating healthy and nutritious meals and understanding the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle... more so than maintaining a clean floor. 

Health and happiness - 


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