Congratulations to Team Body OverHALL (tribal name: Figure Chasers) for taking the win! Here is the point break down and the answers to the Fad Diets of the Decades.
Physical Challenge
Punch Gym 22 points
Body OverHALL 16 points
Body Innovations 13 points
Capital City 6 points
Food Challenge
Body OverHALL 40 points
Body Innovations 40 points
Capital City 38 points
Punch Gym 37 points
Fad Diets of the Decades
Body OverHALL 20 points
Body Innovations 16 points
Capital City Boot Camp 15 points
Punch Gym 9 points
Fad Diets of the Decades...
1920's: Cigarette Diet
1930's: Grapefruit Diet
1940's: Cabbage Diet
1950's: Vibrating Belts
1960's: Drinking Man's Diet
1970's: Scarsdale Diet
1980's: Master Cleanse
1990's: Hollywood Diet
2000's: Atkins
2010: Shake Weight
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Halloween Tricks for Treats
The following is courtesy of Karen Kuzma, Registered Dietitian. Listed below are some tips to keep in mind while surviving the Halloween Holiday without eating 5 pounds worth of sugary treats! (the following was written with kids in mind... but the same goes for adults!)
Halloween Tricks for Treats
Halloween means bags filled with sugary, sticky, chocolaty candy.
This can be frightening for many parents who worry about their kids’ eating habits. Here are some tips from the Registered Dietitian Karen Kuzma to help fit those Halloween treats into your child’s healthy diet:
• Halloween is a fun night for kids, so enjoy small portions of candy.
• Eat before you trick-or-treat. Serve your child a nutritious meal or snack before going trick-or-treating so he/she won’t dig into the bag of candy before he/she gets home.
• Teach your kids that “treats” are at the top of the Food Guide Pyramid and can fit into a healthful meal after all the other food groups have been consumed. Eat candy as part of a well-balanced meal instead of as snack in-between meals.
• Divide candy into weekly and daily portions - when it’s all gone, they need to wait until the next day or week. Let your kids pick out a few of their favorite candy pieces to have each day. Remember, parents are in charge of what kids eat.
• Large amounts of candy can be frozen to help with portion control.
• Remind your kids to brush and floss after eating candy.
Healthy Halloween Treats
Cheese and cracker packages
Chewing gum
Boxes of animal crackers
Cheese sticks
Juice boxes (100% fruit juice)
Granola or cereal bars
Small packages of pretzels and popcorn
Small packages of sunflower seeds or nuts
Packages of instant cocoa mix
Peanuts in the shell
Dried fruit
Individual cereal boxes
Fortune cookies
Comic or coloring books
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Colored chalk
Silly Putty or bubbles
Trading cards
Rubber spiders or worms
Karen Kuzma, Registered Dietitian
Halloween Tricks for Treats
Halloween means bags filled with sugary, sticky, chocolaty candy.
This can be frightening for many parents who worry about their kids’ eating habits. Here are some tips from the Registered Dietitian Karen Kuzma to help fit those Halloween treats into your child’s healthy diet:
• Halloween is a fun night for kids, so enjoy small portions of candy.
• Eat before you trick-or-treat. Serve your child a nutritious meal or snack before going trick-or-treating so he/she won’t dig into the bag of candy before he/she gets home.
• Teach your kids that “treats” are at the top of the Food Guide Pyramid and can fit into a healthful meal after all the other food groups have been consumed. Eat candy as part of a well-balanced meal instead of as snack in-between meals.
• Divide candy into weekly and daily portions - when it’s all gone, they need to wait until the next day or week. Let your kids pick out a few of their favorite candy pieces to have each day. Remember, parents are in charge of what kids eat.
• Large amounts of candy can be frozen to help with portion control.
• Remind your kids to brush and floss after eating candy.
Healthy Halloween Treats
Cheese and cracker packages
Chewing gum
Boxes of animal crackers
Cheese sticks
Juice boxes (100% fruit juice)
Granola or cereal bars
Small packages of pretzels and popcorn
Small packages of sunflower seeds or nuts
Packages of instant cocoa mix
Peanuts in the shell
Dried fruit
Individual cereal boxes
Fortune cookies
Comic or coloring books
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Colored chalk
Silly Putty or bubbles
Trading cards
Rubber spiders or worms
Karen Kuzma, Registered Dietitian
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Amazing Chase
The Amazing Chase took place last week in downtown Lincoln. Contestants broke themselves into two groups: The Physical Group and The Knowledge Group. Both teams were given clue to find their next destination, and they all ended the chase at The Running Company. Unfortunately due to a misunderstanding, a winner was not determined... however everyone kicked BUTT! Here are some photos of the teams before the chase started:
Answers to the Challenge Questions:
1. Nuts are a good source of nutrition, have no cholesterol and are low in saturated fat. A serving size of nuts on a 1600 calorie day diet is:
1/3 cup 3 times a week
2. Which ground meat gives you the most protein with the least amount of fat?
Grass fed bison
3. A 12oz can of Coke has more carbs from sugar than a 12oz glass of unsweetened Concord grape juice.
False. Coke has 10g - Concord has 15g.
4. Which of the following is idead Total Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and Triglycerides?
<200, <100, >40, <150
5. When looking for a cereal in the grocery store, ideally you should choose one with (AND BE ABLE TO FIND):
10 grams of sugar or less
6. Heroine, morphine and sugar all stimulate the same receptors in the brain. Surveys have found the average American consumes around 22.2 teaspoons of added sugar every day. The recommended sugar intake for adult women is:
5 teaspoons (20 grams)
Team Punch Gym
Team Body OverHALL
Team Capital City Boot Camps
Team Body Innovations
Answers to the Challenge Questions:
1. Nuts are a good source of nutrition, have no cholesterol and are low in saturated fat. A serving size of nuts on a 1600 calorie day diet is:
1/3 cup 3 times a week
2. Which ground meat gives you the most protein with the least amount of fat?
Grass fed bison
3. A 12oz can of Coke has more carbs from sugar than a 12oz glass of unsweetened Concord grape juice.
False. Coke has 10g - Concord has 15g.
4. Which of the following is idead Total Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and Triglycerides?
<200, <100, >40, <150
5. When looking for a cereal in the grocery store, ideally you should choose one with (AND BE ABLE TO FIND):
10 grams of sugar or less
6. Heroine, morphine and sugar all stimulate the same receptors in the brain. Surveys have found the average American consumes around 22.2 teaspoons of added sugar every day. The recommended sugar intake for adult women is:
5 teaspoons (20 grams)
We had THREE Running Company $50 gift cards to give away, and we randomly drew the following names:
Charla R.
Denise E.
Monte S.
Congrats to these three contestants... pick up your gift certificate at tonight's meeting!
Special thanks to the following sponsors:
Chellie Egan with High Profile Nail and Hair Salon
Kris Thaller, Coaching Dimensions
Marcia Ksionzek, Naturally Yours Salon and Spa
Chery Hansen, Beauti-Control
Ann Ringlein, The Running Company
and thanks to all the trainers that were able to cheer their team on!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sponsor Spotlight Recap: Branden Bonk with Punch Gym Lincoln
If you don't follow Wealth for my Health on Facebook you:
a. should
b. can read up about Branden Bonk of Punch Gym Lincoln here.
FIVE FUN FACTS about Branden Bonk with Punch Gym Lincoln.
1. The word "Punch" has nothing to do with what is done at the gym, but the name of the bulldog (Puncherella) that is used as the logo for the franchise.
2. I assistant coach at Parkview Christian High School (Go Patriots!).
3. I don't own a TV
4. I am a vet of Operation Iraqi Freedom '04-'06, where I met Steve my business partner.
5. I helped raise pet ducks after college - definitely the best pets ever!
a. should
b. can read up about Branden Bonk of Punch Gym Lincoln here.
FIVE FUN FACTS about Branden Bonk with Punch Gym Lincoln.
1. The word "Punch" has nothing to do with what is done at the gym, but the name of the bulldog (Puncherella) that is used as the logo for the franchise.
2. I assistant coach at Parkview Christian High School (Go Patriots!).
3. I don't own a TV
4. I am a vet of Operation Iraqi Freedom '04-'06, where I met Steve my business partner.
5. I helped raise pet ducks after college - definitely the best pets ever!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Drum roll please....
...and the Wealthiest Winner is....
Erin lost a total of FORTY SEVEN POUNDS and reduced her body fat by 9.4 percent, and lost 8 1/2 inches off her waist. Most importantly though she has found her "healthy happiness". We are SOOO proud of Erin and what she has accomplished, and can't wait to see her take her health to the next level. She is already signed up for the next challenge and is excited to be a challenge coach for the new contestants. Way to go, Erin!
drum roll please....
.... the Eliminated Player prize goes to....
Ivy lost 17.43% (weight, body fat and abdomen inches) total percent. and 31 1/2 inches overall! Even with taking a spill during "Survivor - Lincoln" she worked her butt off and it paid off - literally. Way to go Ivy, and best of luck in the future!
I can't not mention the two runner up contestants of the Final Three. I got to know both of these individuals very well over the course of the challenge and am just so stinkin' proud of them.
Winner of $1500!
Erin lost a total of FORTY SEVEN POUNDS and reduced her body fat by 9.4 percent, and lost 8 1/2 inches off her waist. Most importantly though she has found her "healthy happiness". We are SOOO proud of Erin and what she has accomplished, and can't wait to see her take her health to the next level. She is already signed up for the next challenge and is excited to be a challenge coach for the new contestants. Way to go, Erin!
drum roll please....
.... the Eliminated Player prize goes to....
Ivy Johnson
Winner of $500
I can't not mention the two runner up contestants of the Final Three. I got to know both of these individuals very well over the course of the challenge and am just so stinkin' proud of them.
2nd Runner Up:
Second runner up Vince Foster lost SEVENTY POUNDS! Vince was a biking maniac (he biked everywhere... the money he saved in gas for the car could pay off my college tuition) and one of the most humble people I know. He and his wife showed up to races that other WFMH contestants were a part of to cheer them on, and he participated in races himself. He is unstoppable! His next goal: to drop 45 more pounds and run a half marathon. Vince - you can do anything you put your mind to, we are so proud of you!
3rd Runner Up:
Third runner up was Deb Peterson. I got to know Deb pretty well when we participated in the Cornhusker State Games Adventure Race together in June. The Adventure Race consisted of running, biking, a sand challenge and a little time in the lake. It was so much fun, and I can't wait to team up for another "adventure" again soon! Deb also participated in the Havelock Run (and finished with a GREAT time) and then just recently participated in the Buffalo Run. Deb has offerred her help on more than one occasion with the WFMH challenge, and she is now helping keep the website updated (which is a NEVER ending job). I can not thank Deb enough for everything she has done, and am so thankful for her friendship. Deb is already signed up for the next session, and I can't wait to see what happens!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Monday Meeting: Mike Bevard, Capital City Boot Camps
Last Monday, contestants of the Wealth for my Health challenge met at Capital City Boot Camps for the weekly meeting. Mike Bevard is a person trainer in Lincoln, and has owned Capital City Boot Camps for a couple years now. He is a wealth of knowledge and is always willingly sharing it. Listen to what he had to say to all the contesants last Monday:
Wealth For My Health Trainer Mike Bevard Talks About Maintaining Results- Lincoln, NE from Mike Bevard on Vimeo.
Mike will be part of the upcoming Wealth for my Health challenge, scheduled to kick off on August 29th, 2010.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Kitchen Overhaul - a video
As I was putting the plans together for the first Wealth for my Health challenge, I knew it would be important to encourage all the contestants to rid their kitchen of all those unhealthy foods. Unhealthy eating is similar to "Crimes of Opportunity". If the unhealthy food is there... it's going to get eaten. We had to get rid of temptation... after all; taste buds take a while to retrain! So, I asked all the contestants to go through their cupboards, pantries, and refrigerators (and that secret stash in the closet) and purge all items that were deemed “unhealthy”. (Contestants were given a list of guidelines)
For one lucky contestant, this was going to be done for them – by Registered Dietitian Karen Kuzma, from Hy-Vee. Christina was the lucky contestant, so one afternoon we raided her kitchen and filled up quite a few garbage sacks of food to take to the Food Bank. Karen was very detailed about which foods could stay, and which ones should go. We all learned a LOT that day. See for yourself!
If you want your kitchen overhauled by the incredible Karen Kuzma, email and put Kitchen OverHaul in the subject line.
I want to give a special thanks to Cali from A Sound Impression for filming the overhaul and putting this video together!
For one lucky contestant, this was going to be done for them – by Registered Dietitian Karen Kuzma, from Hy-Vee. Christina was the lucky contestant, so one afternoon we raided her kitchen and filled up quite a few garbage sacks of food to take to the Food Bank. Karen was very detailed about which foods could stay, and which ones should go. We all learned a LOT that day. See for yourself!
If you want your kitchen overhauled by the incredible Karen Kuzma, email and put Kitchen OverHaul in the subject line.
I want to give a special thanks to Cali from A Sound Impression for filming the overhaul and putting this video together!
Vacation Planning 101
Summer time is synonymous with vacation time. Vacation time is oftentimes synonymous with sugary alcohol laden drinks, family celebrations with Aunt Matilda’s famous macaroni salad and s’mores by the campfire. All this can lead to calorie overload and easily losing focus of the health goals one has set for their self.
Here are some tips you can keep in mind while planning for some summertime fun.
1. Scout out physical activities to keep you exploring at your vacation destination. Websites like allow people to post questions and get feedback regarding specific destinations. So, if you are planning a trip to Arizona and want to explore the Grand Canyon log onto Trip and read up on the various activities to do in the area. It may be too hot during this time of year to hike all day in the Grand Canyon, but you will certainly find lots of other activities to partake in. With a little planning ahead, you will avoid finding yourself bored in the hotel room ready to call room service or even worse – open that mini bar.
2. Pack along breakfast, and if possible, lunch too. You will more than likely find yourself eating dinner out (and you should - exploring the different cuisine that is served wherever you may find yourself is half the fun of vacation!). If you are able to start the day off on a healthy foot, the rest of the day will more than likely follow suit. Plus, breakfast foods are easy to pack and transport. If you usually eat peanut butter toast with honey for breakfast, you may have to do without the “toasting” part, but otherwise you can still enjoy your regular, nutrient dense breakfast.
3. Since you will be eating out for most of your dinners plan on splitting dinners with your travel companion(s). Most restaurants do not charge any extra to split a dinner, and you will also be saving a substantial amount of money over the course of the vacation. If you can’t agree on what dish to split with someone, take half of it back to the hotel with you. (Keep this in mind when booking your hotel room – make sure it has a mini fridge!) If you don’t have any way to keep the leftover food cold… then leave half your dinner at the restaurant. There is no shame in not cleaning your plate, especially when that plate houses 3,000 calories.
4. If you are going to be consuming alcohol, limit yourself to just a few over the course of the vacation – and avoid blended drinks at all costs! Vodka and soda with a wedge of lime is a refreshing summer drink and has less than 100 calories. If you need a little more flavor – ask the bartender to throw in a splash (and I mean jus t a splash) of cranberry juice, or add a squeeze of lemon. ALWAYS have a glass of water nearby and be sure to hydrate properly.
5. Get back to your regular routine as soon as you return from vacation. If you found yourself overindulging one too many times during your vacation – don’t let that behavior follow you home. Get back to making healthy living your main focus, and get back into your regular (healthy) routine as soon as you step in your door.
6. Start planning for your next vacation right now. Do your research and find somewhere to visit and explore that promotes living a healthy lifestyle. If you like to walk/run and think races are really fun, plan your next vacation around a really cool out-of-state race, like the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half/Marathon in San Diego.
Happy Vacation Planning!
Emma and I hiking in the Rocky Mountains. She was 9 months old at the time and quite the trooper.
Here are some tips you can keep in mind while planning for some summertime fun.
1. Scout out physical activities to keep you exploring at your vacation destination. Websites like allow people to post questions and get feedback regarding specific destinations. So, if you are planning a trip to Arizona and want to explore the Grand Canyon log onto Trip and read up on the various activities to do in the area. It may be too hot during this time of year to hike all day in the Grand Canyon, but you will certainly find lots of other activities to partake in. With a little planning ahead, you will avoid finding yourself bored in the hotel room ready to call room service or even worse – open that mini bar.
2. Pack along breakfast, and if possible, lunch too. You will more than likely find yourself eating dinner out (and you should - exploring the different cuisine that is served wherever you may find yourself is half the fun of vacation!). If you are able to start the day off on a healthy foot, the rest of the day will more than likely follow suit. Plus, breakfast foods are easy to pack and transport. If you usually eat peanut butter toast with honey for breakfast, you may have to do without the “toasting” part, but otherwise you can still enjoy your regular, nutrient dense breakfast.
3. Since you will be eating out for most of your dinners plan on splitting dinners with your travel companion(s). Most restaurants do not charge any extra to split a dinner, and you will also be saving a substantial amount of money over the course of the vacation. If you can’t agree on what dish to split with someone, take half of it back to the hotel with you. (Keep this in mind when booking your hotel room – make sure it has a mini fridge!) If you don’t have any way to keep the leftover food cold… then leave half your dinner at the restaurant. There is no shame in not cleaning your plate, especially when that plate houses 3,000 calories.
4. If you are going to be consuming alcohol, limit yourself to just a few over the course of the vacation – and avoid blended drinks at all costs! Vodka and soda with a wedge of lime is a refreshing summer drink and has less than 100 calories. If you need a little more flavor – ask the bartender to throw in a splash (and I mean jus t a splash) of cranberry juice, or add a squeeze of lemon. ALWAYS have a glass of water nearby and be sure to hydrate properly.
5. Get back to your regular routine as soon as you return from vacation. If you found yourself overindulging one too many times during your vacation – don’t let that behavior follow you home. Get back to making healthy living your main focus, and get back into your regular (healthy) routine as soon as you step in your door.
6. Start planning for your next vacation right now. Do your research and find somewhere to visit and explore that promotes living a healthy lifestyle. If you like to walk/run and think races are really fun, plan your next vacation around a really cool out-of-state race, like the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half/Marathon in San Diego.
Happy Vacation Planning!
Emma and I hiking in the Rocky Mountains. She was 9 months old at the time and quite the trooper.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Survivor - Lincoln Edition Summer 2010
Last night marked the FIRST semi-annual Survivor - Lincoln Edition! 27 contestants were in attendance spread out over their four teams.

First Challenge: Tribal Branding
Team members were instructed to "brand" their tribes. They had to design a tribe flag, create a chant, and decorate themselves with colored paints and bandanas. The most creative/original team would win that challenge. Team Star City Adventure Boot Camps won! Check out the flags below:
Team Star City Adventure Boot Camp!
Team Body OverHALL
Team Body Innovations
Team Capital City Boot Camps
Second Challenge: Sand Bag Relay Race Sponsored by Lincoln Running Company (Thanks Ann!)
There were FIVE legs of this relay race. Tribal members were instructed to carry and a 25 pound sand bag weight and their flag and run it to the next leg of the race - and pass it off to the next tribal member. It was a CLOSE race... with Jeff and Ivy neck to neck! Ivy took a spill (ouch!) and Jeff took first, giving Team Capital City Boot Camps the win for this challenge.
Here they are at the start of the race:
(Sandi, Vincent, Barbara, and Tara)
Since Team Capital City Boot Camp won this challenge, they all received a nice glass from Lincoln Running Company, and Jeff won a $50 gift certificate!
Third Challenge: Artic Plunge (Sponsored by High Profile Nail and Hair Salon)
Tribal members were presented with large tubs of ice water with clear marbles at the bottom. Each tribal member had thirty seconds to get AS MANY marbles out of the tub WITH THEIR TOES and drop them in a bucket. The use of hands was prohibited. The tribe that got the most marbles out of the bucket won. Tribe Body OverHALL won with 78 marbles!
Here are all the teams lined up and ready to go!
Sara B. won a gift certificate for a wonderfully relaxing pedicure with the talented Chellie. Thanks Chellie!
Fourth Challenge: Memory Mania
Tribal members were presented with 68 blocks. There were 17 color coded blocks that corresponded with the tribal's unique colors. Those 17 blocks each had a letter, that together spelled, "Wealth for my Health". The first tribal member had to find the "W" that was their color. Once they found it, the next tribal member searched for "E" in their tribal's color. This continued until the tribe found all the color coded blocks, spelling out Wealth for my Health. It was a close call, but Team Capital City Boot Camps won this challenge!
Searching for the right letter...
Final Challenge: "Give a Tribe a Bone"
Tribal members were presented with 6 dog bones. Tribal members had to take a dog bone from Point A to Point B - but could not use their hands. They had to pick up, carry, and drop the dog bone with their mouth. The tribe to move all 6 bones to Point B won the challenge. Team Capital City Boot Camps was the quickest - giving them the win for this challenge, and the overall challenge!
Survivor-Lincoln Edition Summer 2010
The "prize" for the winning tribe was immunity for one tribal member. Each Capital City Boot Camp tribal member was instructed to vote for a tribal member to receive immunity at the next elimination (July 12th) therefore securing that member a spot in the Final 3. The overwhelming majority chose:
Congratulations to Erin for your spot in the Final 3, and your chance to win $1500!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Salmon with Maple Glazed Pecans - a video!
Check it out! It's our own Karen Kuzma, RD from Hy-Vee talking about grilling salmon on a cedar plank!
You can find the vide clip under Noon Interviews, on the right hand side of the webpage.
Nice job Karen! I can't wait to use cedar planks next time I want to grill out.
Here is a link to the recipe;
Check it out! It's our own Karen Kuzma, RD from Hy-Vee talking about grilling salmon on a cedar plank!
You can find the vide clip under Noon Interviews, on the right hand side of the webpage.
Nice job Karen! I can't wait to use cedar planks next time I want to grill out.
Here is a link to the recipe;
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Veggie Meal Maker
Hey Everybody!
Our friends over at Veggie Meal Maker want to give all the Wealth for my Health contestants a FREE 3 month subscription to either the Vegan or Vegetarian meal plans. So if you're a vegan or vegetarian, or just looking for ways to incorporate all those fresh veggies into your daily dishes - check 'em out!
Email me ( for the code to your free 3 month subscription.
Our friends over at Veggie Meal Maker want to give all the Wealth for my Health contestants a FREE 3 month subscription to either the Vegan or Vegetarian meal plans. So if you're a vegan or vegetarian, or just looking for ways to incorporate all those fresh veggies into your daily dishes - check 'em out!
Email me ( for the code to your free 3 month subscription.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
4th of July Freedom Run/Walk - Seward, NE
What a way to start the 4th of July off - with a 2 mile or 10K walk or run!
$25 (10K) or $15 (2 mile) if registered by JUNE 25TH!
If any Wealth for my Health contestants want to participate email Sara at and we can make carpooling arrangements! - more information about the run and to register
$25 (10K) or $15 (2 mile) if registered by JUNE 25TH!
If any Wealth for my Health contestants want to participate email Sara at and we can make carpooling arrangements! - more information about the run and to register
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Lucky 7 Run/Walk - to benefit the American Cancer Society
Check it out -
If any Wealth for my Health contestants are interested in participating, email and we will get a team set up.
If any Wealth for my Health contestants are interested in participating, email and we will get a team set up.
Why I Run...
I run because victory is sweet
Because road hills are tough, but I am tougher
I run because oxygen debt is only a small glimpse at heaven.
And while some say they jog, I call myself a runner.
I run because pushing yourself to the limits has never been so better defined.
And because I have found that deeper strength inside my heart
That pushes me to go on when my mind and body say stop.
I run because I have felt the pain that comes with giving up and I have experienced the joy of crossing the finish line.
I run because when one said strength comes in numbers, he was right.
Because the weaker I feel, the stronger I am getting.
Progress only comes with pain
I run for happy trails and happy tears
Because I have learned how to face my fears
And destroy them with the strength I have gained through running
I run for cold lake Erie baths after a hard race
And because I do not know the depth of my inner strength
Until I have reached down deep, found that strength and pushed harder.
I run because any other time cold, rainy days and lots of mud are no fun.
And because all goals and accomplishments that are possible and reachable were,
At one point, seemingly impossible and unattainable.
I run because I get to wipe away tears of joy
I run because we are in it together and no one else understands.
And not only do I gain self-confidence, strength and support,
But I get to give it away to those I love.
With running, I have confronted the very worst of myself
To bring out the very best
And I know how to set a goal, and do everything it takes to get to that goal.
I run because you win some and lose some, but it’s all a part of the game.
Because I am strong.
I run because every time I run, I discover a new reason.
Because even failure brings me closer to my goal.
I run because my mind is in control of my body
And because pain brings healing and healing brings hope.
And hope is a beautiful thing.
I run not for victims, but for survivors, for fighters and for the empowering stories that they live to tell.
I run because it’s my purpose.
Because I was born with an obligation to myself and my family
To maintain a healthy body
I run for the exhilarating freedom felt running down the middle of the road in the dark, early morning while the rest of the world sleeps.
I run because in a world of war and hate, I have found peace.
-Author Unknown
Friday, May 21, 2010
Body Fat Analyzer
Here are some tips to get the most accurate measurement from the Body Fat Analzer we use for eliminations.
o Select a consistent time of day, and stick to it. (Monday nights, 7:00pm)
o Test with an empty bladder.
o Test when normally hydrated.
o Avoid measurement immediately after eating and bathing.
o Before a meal or at least two hours after a meal is best.
Hope that helps!
o Select a consistent time of day, and stick to it. (Monday nights, 7:00pm)
o Test with an empty bladder.
o Test when normally hydrated.
o Avoid measurement immediately after eating and bathing.
o Before a meal or at least two hours after a meal is best.
Hope that helps!
S.M.A.R.T - keep this in mind when setting goals
I just love registered dietitian, Karen Kuzma. Not only is she chock full of awesome information, but she is always so willing to share it. In fact, did you realize that dietitian is spelled - TIAN instead of -CIAN? I would have never known if Karen did not correct me! Every time we get done with our conversations (which usually last quite a while - we always have so much to talk about!) I walk away with so much more knowledge. So thank you Karen, for being such a teacher! I love it. :)
So, when Karen found out my goal was to drink more water she challenged me. She challenged me to get more specific. She wanted to know HOW MUCH more water I was going to drink. (S - specific) She wanted to know HOW I am going to KNOW I am drinking more water. (M-measureable) She wanted to make sure it was a realistic goal. (A-achievable, R-realistic) Then she wanted to know the specific time frame of my goal. (T - time based)
So, I am going to drink 8oz of water (S, M) before each meal (A, R, T) every day for the next week (T, A, R).
Thanks Karen!
**Keep S.M.A.R.T. in mind when setting your own goals. I may just ask you to get real specific!
So, when Karen found out my goal was to drink more water she challenged me. She challenged me to get more specific. She wanted to know HOW MUCH more water I was going to drink. (S - specific) She wanted to know HOW I am going to KNOW I am drinking more water. (M-measureable) She wanted to make sure it was a realistic goal. (A-achievable, R-realistic) Then she wanted to know the specific time frame of my goal. (T - time based)
So, I am going to drink 8oz of water (S, M) before each meal (A, R, T) every day for the next week (T, A, R).
Thanks Karen!
**Keep S.M.A.R.T. in mind when setting your own goals. I may just ask you to get real specific!
Steak Kabobs
I found some stew meat in the deep freeze and thought it would be perfect for grilling steak kabobs on the grill. I asked the hubby to fire up the grill while I trimmed the beef (cut of all visible fat) and cut the veggies. I used green pepper, white onion and cherry tomatoes - but use your favorites. Or better yet - use what's growing in that garden you planted! I also added some pineapple chunks to sweeten things up a bit.
The hubby came in from firing up the grill and told me we would be George Foreman'ing it tonight - meaning the grill was out of gas. Nothing like improvising!
We served these on a bed of of wild rice (Uncle Ben's) and canned green beans sauteed with olive oil, garlic and red onion. Delish and healthy! (and pretty easy, too)
Fat vs. Muscle
Mike from Capital City Boot Camps was nice enough to share his 5 pounds of fat and muscle for a demonstration this weekend in Omaha. (Okay, not really HIS fat and muscle... the guy doesn't even have 5 pounds of fat on him!) However, before these blobs left the city - I wanted to share them with all of you first!
You decide which you would rather have more of, based on what fat and muscle looks like. If it wasn't for skin - I don't think anyone would be fat! That stuff looks gross!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Amazing Chase
Last night the Wealth for my Health contestants participating in the first semi annual, The Amazing Chase. The Amaing Chase emulates CBS's popular hit tv show, The Amazing Race. Contestants work together as teams as they complete physical and mental challenges, to receive their next clue to get to the next leg of the chase.
All the contestants began the chase at Geist Therapeutic Massage located at 1701 K Street. (Thanks Stephanie for the water!) All the contestants on each team were instructed to do 30 jumping jacks - BUT - only one contestant at a time. A contestant could not begin until their teammate in front of them was finished. You have never seen people do jumping jacks SO FAST!
As teams finished, they received their next clue: We don't have the transportation kind here in Lincoln, but we do have the sandwich. Grab one of these for lunch or dinner - but be sure to opt for the whole wheat version!
Contestants then arrived at the downtown Subway location for their next challenge. This challenge consisted of answering up to 10 nutrition related questions. If they got 3 questions correct in a row, they received their next clue. For every wrong question answered, a teammate had to do 10 squats.
The next clue read: They are only good for 300 miles. Isn't it time you traded yours in for a new pair?
The Running Company
1213 Q Street
The next leg of the chase took place at The Running Company. (Thanks Ann for the water, gatorade and SOCKS!) Teams had to run around the block - and boy was it a BIG block! As soon as all the teammates were back, teams received their next clue.
Their next clue read: Save some electricity and add some years to your life. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. What’s missing? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ __________Street Parking Garage. __________ Floor. Fill in the blank: __________ times the charm. That’s the floor you need to find.
Que Place Parking Garage
Once teams arrived here (3rd floor, Que Place Parking Garage) they were given a worksheet with 10 multiple choice questions to answer. As soon as they answered all of them correctly, they were given their next clue.
Their next clue read: Rain, snow or shine these service people get their workout daily while they walk hundreds of mile a year just to deliver to your doorstep. The local headquarters is located in the Haymarket.
United States Postal Service (Haymarket location)
As soon as teams arrived in front of this large post office, they were instructed to count parking meters. Odd request, right? It was a bit of a strategy game... there were parking meters lined up the middle of 7th street, totaling 78 in all. Most of the teams broke up and assigned certain sections of meters to certain contestants. As soon as teams checked in with Lindsay with the correct number of meters, they were given their final clue. The clue read: Well, you’re a couple days late… but this is where the People’s City Mission “Run for the Homeless” took place! (that kind of rhymed...)
Haymarket Park
The chase ended at Haymarket Park at the end of the pedestrian bridge. Team Body OverHALL won the chase, followed by Team Capital City Boot Camps, Team Star City Boot Camps, and Team Body Innovations.
A special thanks to Cheryl (Beauti-Control) and her husband Ralph for chasing along with Team Star City Boot Camps - Ralph was quite the team leader!
All in all, the chase was about 2 miles long. All the contestants did AWESOME and had a lot of fun!
A special thanks to Cheryl Hansen with Beauti-Control, Ann Ringlein with The Running Company, Complete Nutrition, Body Basics, and A Used Bike Shop for donating the prizes to the winners.
A BIG special thanks to Roy, Pam, Lindsay, Beth and Brianne for all your help at each leg of the race. We couldn't have done this without you!
"FUN TIMES!!! Great idea Sara!!!" - Katie
"Great Job Sara! What a fun challenge! It was good and we got to know our team mates better and I think that helps with accountability! Thanks for all you do!" -Becky J.
"Good morning Sara,
I just wanted to thank you for putting the time and effort into creating the challenge last night ( along with all those that helped you) Our team had a blast and thought it was a great challenge! So, thanks again! It was a lot of fun and; of course, great exercise!Have a great day!"
Tara and the rest of the Capital City Boot Camp Team
You're welcome everyone - AND THANK YOU!
(and we can't wait to tell you about the Survivor challenge coming soon)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Healthy Meal Ideas
Here are 20 meal ideas:
Check them out!
Check them out!
Metabolic Measurement
Over the last month, I feel as if I have hit a plateau. I have been training with Heather Hall and she always keeps me working hard… so I knew it wasn’t the working out that was lacking. I had a sneaking suspicion that it may have something to do with my nutrition (doesn’t it always?!). So, I made an appointment with Karen Kuzma, RD. She suggested she administer the test during one of the Wealth for my Health weekly meetings so the contestants knew what to expect. How fun!
The process is painless. I had to fast for four hours… and no exercise either. During the actual process I had my nose plugged (so no air can enter or escape) and I breathed in and out of a device. Pretty simple. Magically (well, I am sure there is some scientific process behind it…) it spit out a number. That number is how many calories I burn in a day, just living. I burn 2050 calories a day just by existing. Karen then took into account how active I am on a weekly basis. She asked me what my goals are (lose one pound a week, two pounds a week… etc.) and puts everything together. In the end, she was able to tell how many calories I should be eating each day to achieve my goals.
My goal was to lose 2 pounds a week. So, I should be consuming approximately 1870 calories a day. I am monitoring my calories (I am not usually a calorie counter) for a couple weeks just to make sure that consuming that amount produces a loss of two pounds. Karen said that there could be some slight variation… but overall, it’s fairly accurate.
So, if you have hit a plateau or are a “numbers” person – I would highly suggest getting this measurement done by the wonderful Karen Kuzma! Thanks Karen!
The process is painless. I had to fast for four hours… and no exercise either. During the actual process I had my nose plugged (so no air can enter or escape) and I breathed in and out of a device. Pretty simple. Magically (well, I am sure there is some scientific process behind it…) it spit out a number. That number is how many calories I burn in a day, just living. I burn 2050 calories a day just by existing. Karen then took into account how active I am on a weekly basis. She asked me what my goals are (lose one pound a week, two pounds a week… etc.) and puts everything together. In the end, she was able to tell how many calories I should be eating each day to achieve my goals.
My goal was to lose 2 pounds a week. So, I should be consuming approximately 1870 calories a day. I am monitoring my calories (I am not usually a calorie counter) for a couple weeks just to make sure that consuming that amount produces a loss of two pounds. Karen said that there could be some slight variation… but overall, it’s fairly accurate.
So, if you have hit a plateau or are a “numbers” person – I would highly suggest getting this measurement done by the wonderful Karen Kuzma! Thanks Karen!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Recipe - Mexican Chicken Stew
Here is another favorite of mine... so easy to make - no recipe to follow!
Whenever Hy-Vee has whole roasted chickens on sale in the deli, I am always quick to pick up a couple. I make my husband pick all the skin off the chicken, and give me the good lean pieces of meat. While he is doing that, I sautee a chopped onion (red, white, yellow.... whatever you have!) and a couple cloves of minced garlic. (Throw in some jarred minced garlic if you don't have any fresh) I let the onions and garlic cook until I can smell them. Oh yes, and I also put in some Chipotles in Adobe sauce. They are smoked jalepenos... a couple of these babies go a long way. I chop up a couple of those and throw them in the pot while the onion and garlic are cooking. Then I throw in the pieces of chicken, and let them mix with the chipotles, onion and garlic for a couple minutes. While the chicken is picking up some flavor from the chipotles, I pop open a can of black beans (be sure to rinse), and garbanzo beans (chickpeas), and a can of crushed, diced, chopped, kicked, punched... tomatoes. My husband's aunt dropped off some canned tomatoes fresh from her garden from last summer, so I used those instead of canned. Throw the beans and tomatoes in. I also threw in a can of diced green chilis, some spinach, and about a cup of frozen corn. I also dumped in a box of reduced sodium chicken stock to thin it out a bit. I brought it to a boil, but the lid on, turned it down to simmer, and I am currently letting it simmer and it's filling the house up with a wonderously delicous smell. I will let it simmer for a couple hours, and then dispense the stew in two cup increments in plastic freezer bags, and have lunch for me and the girls FOR DAYS.
One thing I have learned in cooking is that you don't have to strictly adhere to recipes. Now, in baking you have to. If you don't put in the flour or put in too much oil... you're going to have a mess! There is so much more freedom in cooking. After a while you figure out what foods you love and what foods you like to cook with, and just focus on playing around with those! After the soup was simmering, I found a red pepper in the fridge that I would have loved to have put in the stew. But, I like to sautee my red peppers first and it was too late for that... so I will save it for breakfast and put them in my scrambled eggs.
Anyways, here is a run down of the ingredients, but like I said - put your favorite ingredients in!
Roasted chicken, skin removed (light and dark pieces)
Frozen Corn
Garbanzo Beans
Black Beans
Canned tomatoes
Reduced Sodium Chicken Broth
Another tip: If you are going to take the time to cook, take the time to make a double batch and freeze the leftovers. Whenever I am in a pinch to feed the myself or the kids, I always look in the freezer first to see if some of my homemade yummy and healthy dinners can be popped in the microwave before I ever think about going to McDonalds. Saves money and my life.
Whenever Hy-Vee has whole roasted chickens on sale in the deli, I am always quick to pick up a couple. I make my husband pick all the skin off the chicken, and give me the good lean pieces of meat. While he is doing that, I sautee a chopped onion (red, white, yellow.... whatever you have!) and a couple cloves of minced garlic. (Throw in some jarred minced garlic if you don't have any fresh) I let the onions and garlic cook until I can smell them. Oh yes, and I also put in some Chipotles in Adobe sauce. They are smoked jalepenos... a couple of these babies go a long way. I chop up a couple of those and throw them in the pot while the onion and garlic are cooking. Then I throw in the pieces of chicken, and let them mix with the chipotles, onion and garlic for a couple minutes. While the chicken is picking up some flavor from the chipotles, I pop open a can of black beans (be sure to rinse), and garbanzo beans (chickpeas), and a can of crushed, diced, chopped, kicked, punched... tomatoes. My husband's aunt dropped off some canned tomatoes fresh from her garden from last summer, so I used those instead of canned. Throw the beans and tomatoes in. I also threw in a can of diced green chilis, some spinach, and about a cup of frozen corn. I also dumped in a box of reduced sodium chicken stock to thin it out a bit. I brought it to a boil, but the lid on, turned it down to simmer, and I am currently letting it simmer and it's filling the house up with a wonderously delicous smell. I will let it simmer for a couple hours, and then dispense the stew in two cup increments in plastic freezer bags, and have lunch for me and the girls FOR DAYS.
One thing I have learned in cooking is that you don't have to strictly adhere to recipes. Now, in baking you have to. If you don't put in the flour or put in too much oil... you're going to have a mess! There is so much more freedom in cooking. After a while you figure out what foods you love and what foods you like to cook with, and just focus on playing around with those! After the soup was simmering, I found a red pepper in the fridge that I would have loved to have put in the stew. But, I like to sautee my red peppers first and it was too late for that... so I will save it for breakfast and put them in my scrambled eggs.
Anyways, here is a run down of the ingredients, but like I said - put your favorite ingredients in!
Roasted chicken, skin removed (light and dark pieces)
Frozen Corn
Garbanzo Beans
Black Beans
Canned tomatoes
Reduced Sodium Chicken Broth
Another tip: If you are going to take the time to cook, take the time to make a double batch and freeze the leftovers. Whenever I am in a pinch to feed the myself or the kids, I always look in the freezer first to see if some of my homemade yummy and healthy dinners can be popped in the microwave before I ever think about going to McDonalds. Saves money and my life.
Kitchen OverHaul
Hey Everybody!
Last night a house call was made to fellow contestant, Christina and her family.
We have asked all of you to clean out your cupboards, pantries, refridgerators and freezers. It's time to purge your house of all the processed sugary garbage that is slowly killing us.
Here are a few photos:
Last night a house call was made to fellow contestant, Christina and her family.
We have asked all of you to clean out your cupboards, pantries, refridgerators and freezers. It's time to purge your house of all the processed sugary garbage that is slowly killing us.
Christina was lucky enough to have Registered Dietitian Karen Kuzma personally go through each and every food product in the house. Karen read through the labels, and advised on what got to stay, and what had to go. For basic guidelines, she used Dr. Oz's rule of 5. If, within the first 5 ingredients listed were any of the following: Simple Sugars, Syrups, White Flour, Saturated Fats, Trans Fats it had TO GO! The word "enriched" is still ringing in my ears... everything seems to be "enriched", which really means stripped of all nutrients. What's the purpose of eating it... if it's not doing anything beneficial for our bodies?!
Thank you, Christina, and thank you to your family for allowing us to come into your home and dig through your cupboards! We hope you learned a lot - and don't forget to schedule that personal shopping appointment with Karen so she can help you re-stock your kitchen!
If you would like Karen to come to your kitchen and advise you on cleaning our your cupboards, contact Sara Brown at for more information. After cleaning out your cupboards, you can make an appointment with her to schedule a personal shopping trip, as she helps you find healthy replacements for all your favorite foods.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A little preparation can save LOTS of calories...chicken recipe
At the end of the day when I am tired and don't have any interest in cooking dinner, I have found that a little preparation ahead of time can save the day.
I first purchase a large bag of frozen chicken breasts (I purchase them from Sam's Club, but I am sure you can find something similar at Hy-Vee or whereever you do your grocery shopping) and a large container of salsa. I put as many chicken breasts that can fit in the crockpot, throw the jar of salsa over them, and let the chicken cook on low all day. At the end of day, the chicken is fully cooked and tastes delicious! I shred the chicken, and let it cool in the fridge. The next day, I portion the chicken into freezer baggies, and throw them in the freezer. Then, when I am too tired to cook, but want to eat something nutritious, I can pull out a bag of frozen cooked chicken, throw it in the microwave or skillet and heat it up. Often times, I will make two soft corn tacos with the chicken with a little avacado on top, or toss the chicken with some whole wheat pasta and veggies. Lots of options, tastes awesome, and sooo easy if you do a little planning ahead!
I first purchase a large bag of frozen chicken breasts (I purchase them from Sam's Club, but I am sure you can find something similar at Hy-Vee or whereever you do your grocery shopping) and a large container of salsa. I put as many chicken breasts that can fit in the crockpot, throw the jar of salsa over them, and let the chicken cook on low all day. At the end of day, the chicken is fully cooked and tastes delicious! I shred the chicken, and let it cool in the fridge. The next day, I portion the chicken into freezer baggies, and throw them in the freezer. Then, when I am too tired to cook, but want to eat something nutritious, I can pull out a bag of frozen cooked chicken, throw it in the microwave or skillet and heat it up. Often times, I will make two soft corn tacos with the chicken with a little avacado on top, or toss the chicken with some whole wheat pasta and veggies. Lots of options, tastes awesome, and sooo easy if you do a little planning ahead!
Healthy and Simple Recipes!
Check out this link:
Keep checking back to the blog for more updates.
Keep checking back to the blog for more updates.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Things we LOVE. Polar Heart Rate Monitor
Polar F4 Heart Rate Monitor
Click here for product details.
Back in January when I began my health and fitness journey, I decided to purchase a heart rate monitor. My father had purchased one after his heart attack as a way of measuring his heart rate when exercising and it intrigued me. (It’s important for people who have had heart attacks to stay within certain limits)
I read up a bit on heart rate monitors and thought it would be interesting to use as a tool for my runs. I have run in the past, but I always tend to push too hard too soon. I am a long distance runner, not a sprinter. I understand that I need to pace myself if I want to run the distance. I knew this watch would tell me if I honestly was pushing myself too hard, or if I was just a weenie.
Turns out, I really was pushing too hard. The first day I stepped on the treadmill with it and jogged, it didn’t take much before my heart rate was in the high 190’s. If you read up a bit on heart rate training, you will learn that you should exercise anywhere between 60-80% of your Maximum Heart Rate. (To learn more about your Max Heart Rate, click here.) For me that would be keeping my heart rate around the 150’s-160’s. There is no way I can run for 30 minutes with my heart rate that high. I needed to slow down a bit. So, instead of feeling defeated and weak, I slowed down and worked my way up to running at higher speeds.
It was amazing to see how my heart rate steadily lowered itself in the following weeks. I was able to run at higher speeds on the treadmill while keeping my heart rate within the 80% zone. It was another way to measure my success – I knew my heart and body was getting stronger… I was able to run harder and longer without getting wiped out as quickly.
I didn’t want a watch with too many overwhelming bells and whistles. This watch measures your heart rate (it comes with a chest strap – once you put the chest strap on you can hardly tell it’s there), it measures calories burned (my favorite measure!) time spent exercising, time spent in the Target Heart Rate Zone (you can decide what that is for you based upon your goals) and a few other things. It’s very user friendly and moderately priced.
I feel naked without it when exercising. I have been known to drive back home after leaving the house without it.
I picked mine up at Target because a) Target is in close proximity to my home b) I always look for an excuse to go to Target c) It was one of the cheaper places to purchase it without having to pay for shipping
If you have any particular questions about the heart rate monitor – ask away! I would be more than happy to show you the watch and it’s features at one of our weekly meetings.
Click here for product details.
Back in January when I began my health and fitness journey, I decided to purchase a heart rate monitor. My father had purchased one after his heart attack as a way of measuring his heart rate when exercising and it intrigued me. (It’s important for people who have had heart attacks to stay within certain limits)
I read up a bit on heart rate monitors and thought it would be interesting to use as a tool for my runs. I have run in the past, but I always tend to push too hard too soon. I am a long distance runner, not a sprinter. I understand that I need to pace myself if I want to run the distance. I knew this watch would tell me if I honestly was pushing myself too hard, or if I was just a weenie.
Turns out, I really was pushing too hard. The first day I stepped on the treadmill with it and jogged, it didn’t take much before my heart rate was in the high 190’s. If you read up a bit on heart rate training, you will learn that you should exercise anywhere between 60-80% of your Maximum Heart Rate. (To learn more about your Max Heart Rate, click here.) For me that would be keeping my heart rate around the 150’s-160’s. There is no way I can run for 30 minutes with my heart rate that high. I needed to slow down a bit. So, instead of feeling defeated and weak, I slowed down and worked my way up to running at higher speeds.
It was amazing to see how my heart rate steadily lowered itself in the following weeks. I was able to run at higher speeds on the treadmill while keeping my heart rate within the 80% zone. It was another way to measure my success – I knew my heart and body was getting stronger… I was able to run harder and longer without getting wiped out as quickly.
I didn’t want a watch with too many overwhelming bells and whistles. This watch measures your heart rate (it comes with a chest strap – once you put the chest strap on you can hardly tell it’s there), it measures calories burned (my favorite measure!) time spent exercising, time spent in the Target Heart Rate Zone (you can decide what that is for you based upon your goals) and a few other things. It’s very user friendly and moderately priced.
I feel naked without it when exercising. I have been known to drive back home after leaving the house without it.
I picked mine up at Target because a) Target is in close proximity to my home b) I always look for an excuse to go to Target c) It was one of the cheaper places to purchase it without having to pay for shipping
If you have any particular questions about the heart rate monitor – ask away! I would be more than happy to show you the watch and it’s features at one of our weekly meetings.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Kick Off Date Change
The Kick Off has been moved to Sunday April 18th, 2010 at the Antelope Park Band Shell. Time to be announced - stay tuned!
Marty and Amy Wolff - Season 3 contestants on The Biggest Loser
Hey Everyone!
We are excited to announce that Marty and Amy Wolff are going to be hosting the Kick Off and Grand Finale of the Wealth for my Health challenge. They were both 2006 contestants on NBC's hit TV show, The Biggest Loser. They have lots of advice, motivation and inspiration to provide and we can't wait for everyone to meet them.
Keep checking back to the website (Meet the Staff) to check out their photos and bio information.
We are excited to announce that Marty and Amy Wolff are going to be hosting the Kick Off and Grand Finale of the Wealth for my Health challenge. They were both 2006 contestants on NBC's hit TV show, The Biggest Loser. They have lots of advice, motivation and inspiration to provide and we can't wait for everyone to meet them.
Keep checking back to the website (Meet the Staff) to check out their photos and bio information.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Welcome to the Wealth for my Health weight loss challenge! Stay tuned to this blog for important updates , community events, challenge events, and health and fitness related information.
We will be following some contestants as they make their way through this challenge. Even if you are not a contestant in this challenge, we encourage you to follow along as these individuals change their lives - it will be nothing short of inspirational.
Stay tuned, the challenge kicks off in less than 4 weeks!
We will be following some contestants as they make their way through this challenge. Even if you are not a contestant in this challenge, we encourage you to follow along as these individuals change their lives - it will be nothing short of inspirational.
Stay tuned, the challenge kicks off in less than 4 weeks!
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