Welcome to Lincoln's semi annual Wealth for my Health challenge!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Why I Run...

I run because victory is sweet

Because road hills are tough, but I am tougher

I run because oxygen debt is only a small glimpse at heaven.

And while some say they jog, I call myself a runner.

I run because pushing yourself to the limits has never been so better defined.

And because I have found that deeper strength inside my heart

That pushes me to go on when my mind and body say stop.

I run because I have felt the pain that comes with giving up and I have experienced the joy of crossing the finish line.

I run because when one said strength comes in numbers, he was right.

Because the weaker I feel, the stronger I am getting.

Progress only comes with pain

I run for happy trails and happy tears

Because I have learned how to face my fears

And destroy them with the strength I have gained through running

I run for cold lake Erie baths after a hard race

And because I do not know the depth of my inner strength

Until I have reached down deep, found that strength and pushed harder.

I run because any other time cold, rainy days and lots of mud are no fun.

And because all goals and accomplishments that are possible and reachable were,

At one point, seemingly impossible and unattainable.

I run because I get to wipe away tears of joy

I run because we are in it together and no one else understands.

And not only do I gain self-confidence, strength and support,

But I get to give it away to those I love.

With running, I have confronted the very worst of myself

To bring out the very best

And I know how to set a goal, and do everything it takes to get to that goal.

I run because you win some and lose some, but it’s all a part of the game.

Because I am strong.

I run because every time I run, I discover a new reason.

Because even failure brings me closer to my goal.

I run because my mind is in control of my body

And because pain brings healing and healing brings hope.

And hope is a beautiful thing.

I run not for victims, but for survivors, for fighters and for the empowering stories that they live to tell.

I run because it’s my purpose.

Because I was born with an obligation to myself and my family

To maintain a healthy body

I run for the exhilarating freedom felt running down the middle of the road in the dark, early morning while the rest of the world sleeps.

I run because in a world of war and hate, I have found peace.

-Author Unknown

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