Welcome to Lincoln's semi annual Wealth for my Health challenge!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kitchen Overhaul - a video

As I was putting the plans together for the first Wealth for my Health challenge, I knew it would be important to encourage all the contestants to rid their kitchen of all those unhealthy foods. Unhealthy eating is similar to "Crimes of Opportunity". If the unhealthy food is there... it's going to get eaten. We had to get rid of temptation... after all; taste buds take a while to retrain! So, I asked all the contestants to go through their cupboards, pantries, and refrigerators (and that secret stash in the closet) and purge all items that were deemed “unhealthy”. (Contestants were given a list of guidelines)

For one lucky contestant, this was going to be done for them – by Registered Dietitian Karen Kuzma, from Hy-Vee. Christina was the lucky contestant, so one afternoon we raided her kitchen and filled up quite a few garbage sacks of food to take to the Food Bank. Karen was very detailed about which foods could stay, and which ones should go. We all learned a LOT that day. See for yourself!


If you want your kitchen overhauled by the incredible Karen Kuzma, email sara@eventsrefined.com and put Kitchen OverHaul in the subject line.

I want to give a special thanks to Cali from A Sound Impression for filming the overhaul and putting this video together!


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