Welcome to Lincoln's semi annual Wealth for my Health challenge!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A little preparation can save LOTS of calories...chicken recipe

At the end of the day when I am tired and don't have any interest in cooking dinner, I have found that a little preparation ahead of time can save the day.

I first purchase a large bag of frozen chicken breasts (I purchase them from Sam's Club, but I am sure you can find something similar at Hy-Vee or whereever you do your grocery shopping) and a large container of salsa. I put as many chicken breasts that can fit in the crockpot, throw the jar of salsa over them, and let the chicken cook on low all day. At the end of day, the chicken is fully cooked and tastes delicious! I shred the chicken, and let it cool in the fridge. The next day, I portion the chicken into freezer baggies, and throw them in the freezer. Then, when I am too tired to cook, but want to eat something nutritious, I can pull out a bag of frozen cooked chicken, throw it in the microwave or skillet and heat it up. Often times, I will make two soft corn tacos with the chicken with a little avacado on top, or toss the chicken with some whole wheat pasta and veggies. Lots of options, tastes awesome, and sooo easy if you do a little planning ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I will definitely have to try this. One thing I've tried recently as well is buying a whole chicken and putting it in the crockpot. Add chopped carrots, onion, celery, and a little salt and thyme and lots of water. Once it's cooked, the chicken comes off the bone really easily and it's way cheaper. I also cook whole grain rotini and turn the leftovers into homemade chicken noodle soup. It feeds my husband and I for about 6-8 meals, and it costs less than $10 total! (Just make sure you skim the fat off the chicken :) ).
