Welcome to Lincoln's semi annual Wealth for my Health challenge!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meet Shelly!

Meet Shelly Jackson, the recipient of the WFMH Membership Giveaway Contest that was running on Facebook over the last week. Shelly won the giveaway with nearly 300 "likes" on her video submission! With this giveaway, Shelly receives:

-  Membership in the WFMH Challenge (which includes a WHOLE LOT OF REALLY COOL STUFF - check it out here)
- 3 additional boot camp workouts each week with Certified Personal Trainer Mike Bevard with Capital City Boot Camps 
- a private nutrition consultation and kitchen overhaul with Registered Dietitian Karen Kuzma  
- 5 coaching sessions with life coach Kris Thaller with Coaching Dimensions

Shelly is a mother of two, a 17 year old daughter and an (almost) 22 year old son. Her son has Leukemia and has been battling it over the past 4 years (but is currently in remission - woohoo!). The battle has consumed much of Shelly's resources and maintaining her own health has often been pushed aside to take care of her family's health. However, Shelly is ready to take charge of her health and is ready for this journey to healthy living! Join her each week as she checks in about her progress, her struggles... but most of all her victories.

Thanks Shelly for opening up to the world and sharing your journey - if you inspire just one person to get off the couch, clean up their eating and regain a more positive outlook on life, you're a hero in our eyes!

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